Do not follow this guide if you have a Z1+ WorkBee. You are already on the latest version.
Before proceeding you must backup your system settings.
Go to File Management > System.
Select All.
Right Click on any file, and press 'Download as ZIP'
You must unselect any folders (Sub-directories) for 'Download as ZIP' to appear.
Inside File Management > System, Right Click and Delete the file named 'DuetWiFiServer.bin'
You may not have the file 'DuetWiFiServer.bin' in your System folder. If not that is ok, nothing to delete.
We must make sure we know the IP Address the WorkBee is connected under.
Go to Machine Control > Console.
Input the command: M552 then press 'Send;
It will return the IP Address. Note it down.
Download the Upgrade Files and extract the contents.
Go to File Management > System and press 'Upload System Files'
Navigate to where you extracted the download.
Select Step4.zip
Wait until the upload is complete and then press 'Close'
Please advise
Hi Stephen,
To delete them folders edit the SD Card directly on your computer. But if this is not possible, they will not do any harm being there.
To check if any updates got applied, go to Settings > Machine Specific. If the RepRapFirmware version is still 2.03, then you can just start again from this step. If it is another version number, let me know, and I can advise.
Hi Stephen,
Ok great, glad you sorted it!
Robert -
Thanks Robert, the SD card system folder was empty because I’d deleted the files. I copied the backed up files onto it then put it back into the duet2 board. All steps complete now - Tom
Hi Stephen,
Thanks for your comment. Can you connect via USB then send the command M408 S5 and send me the result please.
Robert -
Hi Robert, thanks for your reply. The WorkBee will not connect to the computer.
I’m doing this step for my dad on his laptop and the windows controls aren’t native, on this machine single click is double click and so I accidentally uploaded the full set of files when clicking on the firmware update. I tried deleting all files and folders to start over with the backed up files but I I can’t delete the folders ‘step 11’ and ‘step 12’ and also after going through their subfolders and deleting all the files within. How can I start over?
Go to File Management > System and press 'Upload System Files'
Navigate to where you extracted the download.
Select Step5.zip
Confirm the installation.
The WorkBee will disconnect, be patient and wait until it reconnects.
Go To System > Machine-Specific. It should now say 3.0.
If it does not say 3.0. Repeat this Step. If it still does not change to 3.0 Contact Us
Go to File Management > System and press 'Upload System Files'
Navigate to where you extracted the download.
Select Step6.zip
Confirm the installation. Wait until it reconnects.
Go To System > Machine-Specific. It should now say 3.1.1.
If it does not say 3.1.1. Repeat this Step. If it still does not change to 3.1.1 Contact Us
Go to File Management > System and press 'Upload System Files'
Navigate to where you extracted the download.
Select Step7.zip
Confirm the installation. Wait until it reconnects.
Go To System > Machine-Specific. It should now say 3.2.2.
If it does not say 3.2.2. Repeat this Step. If it still does not change to 3.2.2 Contact Us
Go to File Management > System and press 'Upload System Files'
Navigate to where you extracted the download.
Select Step8.zip
Confirm the installation. Wait until it reconnects.
Go To System > Machine-Specific. It should now say 3.3.
If it does not say 3.3. Repeat this Step. If it still does not change to 3.3 Contact Us
I had this problem waiting for step 8 to complete. The duet was failing to start the wifi module. I had to connect via USB and issue GCODE directly to the board. The wifi module was permanently stuck ‘starting’. Took the SD card to a PC, created the missing /firmware folder and copied in DuetWiFiServer.bin from step8. Inserted the SD card into the duet, connected via USB and issued M997 S1 to install manually. It reconnected to my wifi nicely. It’s a little involved and you may want to contact ooznest helpdesk before you try this.
Hi Pete, thanks for your comment. How recently did you update? We added the extra steps 3.1.1 > 3.2.2 which should have solved this. Let me know. Thanks Robert.
Robert -
Is there any reason why it might not reconnect? I’ve been waiting over an hour now! What do I do?
Hi George,
Something has gone wrong with the installation of the firmware.
Can you contact us and we will fix it for you - https://ooznest.co.uk/help/
Robert -
We can now install WorkBee Control
Go to File Management > System.
Press 'Upload System Files'
Navigate to where you extracted the download.
Select Step9.zip and Confirm the installation.
It should now look like Image 2. If it does not, refresh your Browser.
If you have the Wifi version, skip this step.
If the IP Address found in Step 2 is skip this step.
If the IP Address found in Step 2 is different from then complete this step.
You can either configure your Ethernet Port as per Image 1. If not follow the points below.
On your computer, navigate to the extracted files, then to Step 11 > Ethernet.
Open config-network.g with notepad.
Change the IP Address to that found in Step 2.
Save and close.
When you want the connection to go through a router/Network use P0.0.0.0 in your Config-network file, this will let the router assign an Ip-Adress from where you can connect with all devices.
Go to Files > System and press 'Upload System Files'
Navigate to where you extracted the download.
Make sure you follow the steps below exactly. Upload the files inside the folder matching your connection method. Do not upload the folders
Double-click on the 'Step 11' folder.
Double-click on the folder matching your connection method.
Select & upload all the files inside.
Confirm the board restart.
If it does not restart press the software emergency stop in the top right corner.
I accidentally uploaded the Wifi version thinking that was my duet board. (not the ethernet board)
It should have been the access point folder as that's what I use. Maybe the instruction could be a little clearer here. To fix I put the sd card in the computer and replaced the files with ones in the access point folder.
Hi Markus,
What IP Address did you want to use?
If you connect via USB follow this guide: 1. Connecting your Controller via USB - Windows
Then send the commands:
M552 S0
M552 S1 P0.0.0.0
(Replace with the IP Address you want to use)
That should get you connected, then you can change config-network.g inside of WorkBee Control.
Hi Robert, thanks for your quick response.
I don´t use a SD Card reader. How can i get access to the firmware to changes the config-network.g?
Hi Ryan, hope you doing good and you are healthy. I tried to do a firmware update but at step 11 i did an issue. I uploaded a wrong config-network.g file with a wrong ip address to the system. I closed the browser to reopend the firmware but the wrong IP was saved and i can´t find the firmware. What can i do? You are the master of drouble shooting, please help me. Best Regards Markus
Hi Markus,
Thanks for your message.
Do you have an sd card reader? It would be easiest to take the SD card out. Then go to the sys folder and open config-network.g
Edit the IP Address in there to what you want.
Put the SD Card back into the controller, and it should work
Robert -
Pretty sure I’ve selected the right folder but after this step I can’t access the machine through the web interface (machine connected with access point) nor with YAT (It doesnt detect any COM port).
Any advice ?
Thank you.
Hello Robert,
Thank you for your answer.
I found the issue, I don't know why but the M589 command was gone from the customconfig file. It's all good now.
About YAT, I must have used a faulty USB cable.
Thank for the neat upgrade by the way.
Bukovatz -
Hi Buko,
Thanks for your comment.
Is yours a Wifi or Ethernet version of the machine?
Can you send us your SD Card contents to: https://ooznest.co.uk/help/
Best Regards
Robert -
It is not possible to upload individual files from an iPad
All the individual files was “greyed out” on my iPad. It was no problem from my PC. Zip files worked without any problems.
Hi, this would be possible, just do config.g last.
Robert -
If your machine is all Screw Drive skip this step.
If your machine is all Belt Drive complete the point below.
Upload all the files inside 'Step12' > 'Belt-Drive'. Do Not Upload the folder itself, just what is inside.
If your machine is all Belt & Screw Drive complete the point below.
Upload all the files inside 'Step12' > 'Belt-&-Screw-Drive'. Do Not Upload the folder itself, just what is inside.
Go to Settings > Machine Specific
Under the Panel called 'Machine Working Area' press 'Reset Working Area'
Under the 'WorkBee Model' dropdown select your model and machine size.
If your WorkBee was received before 27/09/2021, then it is a Z1.
Confirm by pressing 'Yes'
The machine size is now configured. No restart required.
Go to Settings > General > Built-In Plugins
If you don't use the 'Height Map' plugin, press 'Stop'
Refresh your browser.
Go back to Settings > General > Built-In Plugins
Start 'CNC G-Code Viewer' plugin.
A G-Code Viewer will now show in the Navigation Menu.
If you have used previous versions of the Duet G-Code Viewer, you will need to clear your browser cache for it to look correct.
If you have our WorkBee Touch Probe, go to Settings > Machine Specific
Under the Panel called 'Touch Probe Settings' press 'Enable Touch Probe'
Custom Steps/mm Calibration can be entered inside Settings > Machine Specific
Under the Panel called 'Machine Steps/mm Calibration'
The two Y-Axis Lead Screws can now be calibrated individually.
In Settings > Machine Specific, under the Panel called 'Sensors' we can test the Limit Switches.
Activate the X-Axis limit switch with your finger and hold.
The Endstop Status should change to 'Triggered'
It is normal for there to be a delay between pressing the limit switch and the status being updated. Please do not be concerned, the board will stop the motor instantaneously.
Repeat this procedure for the Y-Axis Limit Switch.
Repeat this procedure for the Z-Axis Limit Switch.
If any behave the opposite way round, follow this guide to invert them How To Invert Limit Switches
Under File Management > System. Spindle Settings go in 'config-spindle.g'
Laser Settings go in 'config-laser.g'
Please note by default the machine will boot into CNC Mode.
Upload these two Macros to switch into Laser Mode and Vice Versa. These will show on the Dashboard and can be used to switch between CNC Mode and Laser Mode.
Other custom settings go in 'config-user-settings.g'
The old customconfig.g file can be deleted.
Remember after editing any of the files above, press the software emergency stop in the top right corner.
3.3.0 Firmware uses GPIO Names (General-Purpose Input/Output) rather than pin numbers.
Any custom settings that use pin numbers, will need changing to pin names
More info on the changes can be found on Duet's Dozuki
For any custom Spindle/Laser or other settings, you will need to convert the commands.
For a Spindle you would use M950 with M563. See Image 1 for an example.
For a Laser you would use M452, but use the Pin Name, instead of the Pin Number. See Image 2 for an example. For an OptLaser 6W wired as their guide the C Parameter would be: C"!exp.heater3"
If you are unsure about any of the above please Contact Us.
We have made all the required changes for our standard operation of the machine.
Hey, just wanted to let you know I ran through this upgrade today. Hit a couple of hiccups that you might want to be aware of. With the ‘step 5’ upgrade for some reason teh wifi fimware failed to install properly. When it didn’t come back after a while I connected serial via YAT. M552 told me the wifi was stuck, then: m997 S1 succesfully initiated the update which then ran fine and everything came back up and I continued.
Then with step8 upgrading to 3.3 again the wifi failed. This time M997 said it couldn’t find the relevant file in firmware/DuetWifiServer.bin it turns out in 3.3 they decided to separate the firmware files out of the sys folder and so that upgrade didn’t work. not sure how it would ever have worked for anyone. but hey. I popped the SD in my computer. created a /firmware folder and copied all the .bin files from sys into there. Then back in the duet and issued m997 s1 from YAT and all was good from then on. Haven’t used the new version in anger yet, but I’m looking forward to trying it out.
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for your comment and info. Hopefully, your comment will help someone else out in the future.
Robert -
Gracias por tu respuesta al final consegui ponerla en marcha actualice el firware con yat directo desde usb a duet de momento todo bien,
cada vez que actualizo estoy un par de dias peleandome con la maquina .
Thanks for your answer, in the end I managed to get it up and running, I updated the firmware with yat direct from usb to duet, so far everything is fine,
Every time I update I spend a couple of days fighting with the machine.
How can it be that I updated the latest version of the firware and the machine has gone crazy, I explained, I had the starting point on the right side of the board, zero on the left, front of the board, I put that it is a z1 1500x1500 ipone in position maquinq x1300.0 y1270. 0 Z110.000/ Tool Position X378.0 Y1178.2 Z21.000 z modified from 94 to 110
Hi Jorge,
Thanks for your email.
The firmware functions correctly, it is just a setting that needs adjusting for your setup I think. Can you contact us with more details and we should be able to resolve it: https://ooznest.co.uk/help/
Robert -
Thanks for following the guide. Any issues, please contact us!
Thanks for following the guide. Any issues, please contact us!
Cancel: I did not complete this guide.
10 other people completed this guide.
Hi I currently have a version z1
And it has v1.01 firmware
I want to update as sifi conection is not good
But in these files it’s showing Mac as the files
Is this ok
If I am going to run it on windows WiFi
Any help would be appreciated
Hi Terry,
The files are not for Mac, they are for the Duet, if they have a mac folder inside, please ignore that.
Robert -
I bought a Z1+ back on November 2022 am I sure that I have the latest firmware installed?
Hi Julien,
Yes you would have the latest version installed.
Robert -