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Change pause / cancel behaviour


I find myself doing a fair bit of experimenting on the machine, for example sneaking up on the right dimension for a hole.

This means that i tend to cancel jobs a lot, then upload a new version of the file and restart. As I have the large machine, this always takes a few minutes, because the machine goes back to the home position on pause/cancel.

Is there a way to change this behaviour? I’d love if I could overwrite the behaviour to only home z on pause/cancel.

Internally, it looks like duet runs pause.g/cancel.g, so if it’s possible to overwrite those, I figure that would solve the problem.

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Its very easy to edit the pause.g file (which resides in the system folder) to do what you want. Just add a couple of semi-colons to stop the movement in the x and y axes, as below:

; pause.g
; called when a print from SD card is pause
G53 G1 Z{move.axes[2].max} F1500 ; move the Z-Axis to the maximum position
;G53 G1 X{move.axes[0].max} F2500 ; move the X-Axis to the maximum position
;G53 G1 Y{move.axes[1].max} F2500 ; move the Y-Axis to the maximum position

When you then hit the pause button, the spindle will raise to the highest postion and turn off, but there will be no x or y movement. This will save you a lot of time!

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That was exactly what I needed, thanks! I just didn't realise the standard macros are available to overwrite. Thanks!


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