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Vibration and noise at idle

Hi, it appears that the motors keep producing noise after a movement has stopped. Particularly the Y motors. It is mostly noticeable when I press the emergency stop button and everything quiets down except the duet board fans. Is it a normal behavior ?

There is also a general vibration on the machine from the start-up, maybe due to the fans. Thanks.

Machine : workbee screw driven 1500x1500

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Hi Guillaume,

Thanks for your question. Have you tried disconnecting the fans, to confirm it is not that causing it?

Best Regards

Ryan Lock

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Hi Ryan, thanks for your answer.

Disconnecting the fans has solved the vibration problem completely. These tiny noisy fans seam a bit "cheap" compared to the rest of the hardware that is otherwise really nice. I will probably replace them with silent computer fans and a buck converter (as I noticed they are 24v fans) .



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