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Homing of Y axis using 3.3

I have been using the older version of firmware/software for a number of years. I noticed that the gantry drifted out of square over time, so updated the Y axis homing to split the Y axis motors, home each of them independently (over a short distance) applying a small correction factor for the difference in end stop placement, and then recombining the axis motors. Basically meaning that the gantry is squared evry time the Y axis is homed. This relies heavily on the M584 command, which appears to have changed in the latest update.

If I now enter a command such as M584 X0 Y1 Z2 U3 P4 The command appears to execute OK (it gets a tick) and the U axis appears on the dashboard screen. However if I now move the Y axis both U and Y motors turn.

I notice that the new config files define both Y and U axes, but I cannot see where they are combined for normal operation, or determine what the command might be.

Please let me know which command I can use (or other function) to split the axis/motor linkage for this homing purpose, and how they can be recombined.

Any help appreciated.

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Hi Chris,

Thanks for your message.

So a U drive is setup by default now, so it should make what you are trying to do easier. Everything is now set in config-axes.g:

; Axes configuration executed by config.g

M584 X0 Y1 Z2 U3 ; Apply drive mapping to axes

M584 P3

M906 X2400 Y2400 Z2400 U2400 I100 ; Set motor currents (mA)

M92 X400 Y400 Z400 U400 ; Set steps per mm

M350 X16 Y16 Z16 U16 I1 ; Configure microstepping

M203 X2500 Y2500 Z2500 U2500 ; Set maximum speeds (mm/min)

M201 X150 Y150 Z150 U150 ; Set accelerations (mm/s^2)

M566 X500 Y500 Z500 U500 ; Set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min)

M669 K0 X1:0:0:0 Y0:1:0:1 Z0:0:1:0

To get the U-Axis to home it, you just need to send this:

M584 P4

M669 K0 X1:0:0:0 Y0:1:0:0 Z0:0:1:0 U0:0:0:1

Then do your home, and then put the U back onto the Y:

M584 P3

M669 K0 X1:0:0:0 Y0:1:0:1 Z0:0:1:0

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Robert Many thanks for your answer. I can see what's going on now. Hadn't appreciated the M669 command. I've implemented it in the homey.g file. It works fine. Just one niggle, after homing all (homeall file untouched) and then homing Y, the system shows the X axis reverting to being not homed


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