Machine can't connect by ethernet cable
I recently bought machine. When I collect CNC everything was working fine. Now I can figure out how to connect to the machine. Can anyone can help me please.
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I recently bought machine. When I collect CNC everything was working fine. Now I can figure out how to connect to the machine. Can anyone can help me please.
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Hi Mat,
Have you followed the guides to get connected: Original WorkBee Z1+ Assembly Manual - V1.0
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Hi Robert
Yes I follow all guides. But still no joy.
Thanks Mat
Can you send a picture of your Ethernet port settings please?
Similar problem was recently solved here.
We had to put a dumb switch between our ISP (Internet Service Provider) switch/router and the Duet 2 controller.
Even after the settings are verified correct removing the switch does not work.
It seems the ISP equipment does not allow the NIC (Network Interface Card) configuration of the Duet 2.
I would guess it has something to do with the MAC address being LAA (locally administered addresses) and the Vendor / UOI (organizationally unique identifier) not being known.
In our case:
Without me spending more time on that now.
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Hi Robert
I follow all guides. But I can't connect to machine. Probably it's something silly.
Thanks Mat[image[image|4813]
by Mat