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M32 M37 error(s) file not found


After running the test project without issue I've been unable to start any of the actual projects I got the machine for.

It turns out that any gcode I generate (MESHCAM and Carbide Create so far) gives out a "file not found" error when started or simulated.

All can be uploaded to the workbee's SD card and be loaded into the 3d GCode viewer module, edited or renamed just fine. Which tells me the machine can find the files alright. In the viewer however, only the travels are displayed without any of the operations, unlike what happens if I load the first project.

CAMotics as been used to simulate the files outside their generator and read all of them flawlessly, so I suppose the issue must come from the workbee itself.

I have noticed that the first project will also give an object height in the job list while mine won't, so I suspect all the above points to some compatibility issue somewhere in there.

Is there any specific requirements for the workbee's gcode formatting or post processing required? The files generated by both cam software are .nc and I've already tried renaming them to .gcode like the first project file, without any effect.

I can provide the diagnostic readout or files via mail should you ask, doing so apparently flagged my question for deletion

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It turns out this was two different issues

The solution to the file not found was found on the duet forums, it turns out reprap and/or the duet board can't handle the ' " characters and others. Renaming the file with only (roman) letters and numbers solved the issue and got the file to load.

Once that was done the code played out exactly like it did in the 3d preview (all wonked up). So, I took a look at the formatting of the first project .gcode file compared to mine and yeah. It was indeed caused by modal commands in the gcode. Manually (painstakingly) writing in the G0s and G1s on every line did get it to work.

I have taken to use ESTL V12 CAM which has a convenient option for this requirement that doesn't require writing a bit of custom compiler for either software and still keeps within my budget.

That was an unexpected goose chase but it got fixed in the end and all work's well now.

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Does every line of code start with a G command? That is the main criteria of the Duet

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