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X axis endstop always triggered


I recently broke the X axis endstop when homing my machine, no clue why but it must have added extra steps, then popped the endstop away, and stopped.

It was not the first time homing the machine.

I did not change anything in the configuration files except what was asked during the setup process.

After installing a new endstop, purchased from you, it is still shown being triggered on the web interface.

Same thing happens when I unplug the endstop, still shown as triggered on the web interface.

I can’t home the X axis properly, as it stays in its current position and consider it has been homed.

If pin is damaged, could I switch the endstop to E0 or E1 as they are free ?

Thank you !

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Thanks for your comment.

I don’t think the pin is damaged, as that is so rare.

With the new endstop installed, if you touch the switch and hold it, does the web interface change?

Best Regards

Ryan Lock

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Hi Ryan,

No, its state is always "triggered". Wether it is being manually pushed or even when endstop is unpuggled.

Thank you !


I installed firmware again, and it is now working as it should be. Quite confused but happy.

Thank you.


@bunanomori Great to hear you got it sorted :)


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