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RepRap limitations with CAM


I’ve had my workbee duet for several months now and have started to understand the core concepts surrounding CNC control and its GCode. I’ve come across many different GCode related issues while using a smattering of CAM software. The main issues being the lack of G94 support (Okay not a huge deal to go in and change, but its annoying that something so core to CNC specific GCode is not supported), Canned cycle drilling understandably isnt supported in non-professional GRBL machines either but does make post processing of GCode a massive pain it aught not to be.

I might be way off the mark with my observations (I'm lightyears away from even considering myself any good at using my workbee, Heck it took me years and 3 custom 3D printer builds to fully understand its concepts) but I suppose my question is ; Why choose a firmware and controller not optimised to support the majority of GCode being output from CAM packages? and would a GRBL controller be a more "hassle free" experience.

Thanks in advance for any insight into this


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Hi Cian,

Thanks for your email and feedback!

From our experience the Duet supports the majority of G-Codes outputted from CAM programs. The Duet was chosen as it a solid platform which has a good future ahead of it.


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