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Z homing not repeatable


I’m getting non-repeatable z-axis homing. If I set the work z height, then home, then return to work position it is often substantially different. I’ve used a clock gauge to check and it sometimes over 0.5mm difference!

The z switch is tight and making contact, though the lever looks a bit flimsy for the task. I’ve also checked the z couplings.

Any help would be great.



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Hi Richard,

Thanks for your email.

Can you home the Z-Axis. Then go to Work Zero. Then go up and down 50mm on the Z-Axis, and see if it keeps coming back to the same position.

This will check if it is the motion of the Z-Axis or the limit switch.


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Thanks for that Robert. I've clocked the z up and down it is very repeatable as long as it doesn't home or use the goto work XYZ button on the control screen. If I move it up and down many times it is correct, as soon as I home it the value changes.


@triggernom Hi Richard. Ok, this isn't normal, it should be repeatable. Can you contact us:

We can sort our a warranty replacement for your switch.



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