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Y plate wheel adjustment.

Has anyone tried to adjust the eccentric nuts on the “Y” plates after completing their build.with spoil board fitted and frame fixed to table, even with a ground down skinny spanner it is virtually impossible. Even if you are lucky enough to get the wheel tensions correct during assembly, they will need adjustment eventually. Surely it would make it a lot easier if the eccentric nuts were fitted to the top wheels of the Y plate assembly and then any adjustments could be made with ease. I cannot see what difference this would make mechanically to the operation of the workbee. I really don’t want to have to remove my spoil board and detach frame from my table to complete what could be a 10 minute job.

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Just took another look at this and it would require a design change to the hole diameters on the plates. This would be worth looking at though. Adjustment at present is a pain to say the least.


I’m having the exact same probably and unfortunately I have a feeling the spacers will need to be adjusted often.


I am going to cut an access hole in my table, midway down each Y axis so I can get to the pesky eccentric nuts from below. Not ideal but easier than taking spoil board off and unfixing my nicely squared frame.


Hi Tezza,

One alternative is to get a thin steel spanner and fold the tip over.


Hi Tezza.

Have just discovered this design problem today but pleased to find I'm not the first! Just wondered if, since May, you had discovered a simple solution (instead of cutting holes through your table & bending spanners!) ? All the best. Andy


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Hi Tezza,

Thanks for your question.

On the Z1+ we supply a spanner that has a slight angle that allows post assembly adjustment of the eccentric spacers.

If you contact us here, I can send you one out:

Best Regards


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