Upgrade from OX electronics board to Duet 2
Which colour attaches to which pin on the motor headers? The Duet 2 is marked with 1B,L1, L2, 2B for Z-axis; 1B, 1A, 2A, 2B for each of the others. The headers are fitted in the Workbee kit, therefore no need to know, but they were not for the OX.
Update (10/25/2021)
A follow up to this question.
As I am replacing this board onto an OX machine the Y axis stepper motors work in opposite directions, whereas they work in the same direction on a Workbee as it has lead screws. Which Y axis motor needs to be wired back to front? And what is the order of coloured wires for the motor wired back to front?
Is this a good question?
Perfect, thank you.
by Christopher Beaumont