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crude contours after finishing pass

I have been trying to cut a 3D head using a Machine Relief toolpath in Carveco software. I carried out the roughing cut (1/4" ball end) and then the finishing cut (1/16" ball end). The end result was far from satisfactory as it still has very pronounced ridges/contours and lost much of the detail of the original model (not like the smooth examples I see in tutorials). It would seem to me that further sanding would just make it lose it's form altogether. So my questions are:

1 What is the standard procedure here? Is there a particular tool I can use to get such an intricate surface smooth?

2 As one needs to change router bits in this procedure - what is the standard way of making the z values match (as one may protrude from the collet more). I have a corner probe but it seems a bit erratic.

Than you,


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Hi Robert,

Thanks for your question.

So normally you would do the roughing pass with a square end mill, and then finish with a ball end mill.

When you set up the finishing path, do you make sure the allowance was set to Zero?

After you changed the end mill, you just need to reprobe the Z following this step here: Assembling Your Original WorkBee XYZ Touch Probe

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