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Adjusting eccentric spacers on Y-axis after assembly complete?

Hi everyone.

I’ve been using my new Workbee Z1 for a few days now and just noticed only 2 top wheels on the left Y-carriage are rotating when travelling up & down the (left) Y-axis extrusion. The other top 2 wheels are not making contact/rotating nor are all 4 bottom wheels. I assume I just need to tighten up/adjust the eccentric spacers but these are positioned on the bottom pair of wheels where there is no room to get my hand & the (tiny) spanner on to the spacers between the underside of the carriage and the bench the machine is attached to. Any advice? Many thanks in advance. Best. Andy

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Thanks for coming back to me Robert. Fortunately I was able to cut a service slot out of my table top so now I can (more comfortably) access them from beneath. I think it’s something worth covering in the manual ? All the best. Andy


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Hi Andy,

Thanks for your question. From the information you have provided the bottom eccentric spacers need adjusting.

We provide a wheel adjustment spanner, that should allow you to adjust the eccentric spacers in situ. If you have large hands it may be awkward, have you got anyone who can assist?


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