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X-axis won't move anymore after homing Y-axis


Im running into the problem that when I do a home all or home the Y-axias, that I can’t get the X-0axis to move. I do hear a slight sound off an attempt though.

When I don’t home the Y-axis but do home X and Z, the I can move the X-axis.

I can’t seem to figure out where this is going wrong in my setup.

Help would be very appreciated

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Hi Salvadsor,

Thanks for your question.

Can you check all you Limit Switches are functioning correctly as per this step: 2. Testing Your WorkBee

Best Regards


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Hi Robert thanks for your reply. That’s one of the first things I checked. I hoped that, that was going to be it but all the limit switches work as they should.

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Hi Robert,

Do you have any other thoughts on what might be causing this issue? I did not have this problem until I upgraded the firmware tor 3.3.

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Hi Salvadsor,

Thanks for your comment.

Are the limit switches working in the correct orientation?

So when nothing is touching them, they say “Not Triggered” and when something is touching them they say “Triggered”?


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Yes it does that. When homed it says triggered then when I move axes of the limit switch it changes to not triggered.

When I just tested it the X axes moved for a couple of moves and then stopped responding again. the software does change the position value on screen.

A bit weird right?

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Hi Salvadsor,

Thanks for your comment.

Very strange, is there anything unusual about your setup that you have changed from default?

Can you connect via USB and send the command M408 S5 then send me the result please?


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The only thing I changed is some drive mappings because 2 off my stepper drivers are broken. I triple checked that mapping and it looks fine and working.

here is what came back from the M408 command:

{“axisMins”:[0.00,0.00,0.00],”axisMaxes”:[760.00,730.00,94.00],”accelerations”:[150.00,150.00,150.00,500.00,500.00,500.00,500.00,500.00,500.00,500.00,250.00,250.00],”currents”:[2400,2400,2400,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],”firmwareElectronics”:”Duet WiFi 1.02 or later”,”firmwareName”:”RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet”,”firmwareVersion”:”3.3”,”dwsVersion”:”1.26”,”firmwareDate”:”2021-06-15”, “sysdir”:”0:/sys/“,”idleCurrentFactor”:100.0,”idleTimeout”:30.0,”minFeedrates”:[8.33,8.33,8.33,15.00,15.00,15.00,15.00,15.00,15.00,15.00,2.00,2.00],”maxFeedrates”:[41.67,41.67,41.67,100.00,100.00,100.00,100.00,100.00,100.00,100.00,20.00,20.00]}


and here is my M503:

; Configuration file for Duet

; executed by the firmware on start-up

; WorkBee Firmware Version 1.1

global systemSettingsVersion={1.2}

; Configuration files

M98 P”config-network.g”

M98 P”config-drives.g”

M98 P”config-axes.g”

M98 P”config-axes-limits.g”

M98 P”config-axes-calibration.g”

M98 P”config-axes-endstops.g”

M98 P”config-probe.g”

M98 P”config-spindle.g”

M98 P”config-laser.g”

; Other Settings

M453 ; Put the machine into CNC Modes

G90 ; Set absolute coordinates

M140 H-1 ; Disable heated bed

M564 S1 H1 ; Disable jog commands when not homed

M911 S21.0 R23 P”G91 G1 Z3 F1000” ; Configure power loss resume

; User Configuration files

M98 P”config-user-settings.g”

M501 ; Load Stored Parameters



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I found a solution.

In the configs-axis.g file I changed the following:

M669 K0 X1:0:0:0 Y0:1:0:1 Z0:0:1:0

to just

M669 K0

Now the X-axes does what it is supposed to do after homing all axes.

It is probably because my drive mapping is different than standard.

Is it okay to just leave it like this or do I need to find the correct setting for M669?

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Hi Salvadsor,

Thanks for your message. I see it is because your drive mapping is different so standard.

What is your drive mapping, and I can tell you how to change config-axis.g to take this into account.


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Hi Robert,

That’s what thought. My drive mappings is as follows:

X0 Y1:3 Z4


Hi Salvadsor,

Ok I think you need to set it as the following:

M669 K0 X1:0:0:0:0 Y0:1:0:3:0 Z0:0:0:0:1



Hi Robert,

I tried it but I did not work. However after some experimenting I got the following to work.

M669 K0 X1:0:0:0 Y0:1:0:0 Z0:0:1:0


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