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Automatically start router from Duet controller


Do you have a recommended method/SSR for automatically starting the Makita router directly from the Duet2?



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An unofficial solution here, but this could probably work. Make sure to be safe about it:

  1. On one of the PWM fan headers, attach a PWM operated switch.
  2. Use that switch to control a relay (make sure the voltages and and power draw are within specs).
  3. Use a short extension cord inline with your router running though an enclosure box to keep things safe. The only components secured inside it should be the power relay and the electrical cables.
  4. In the enclosure box, cut the hot line in the cord and attach the power side of the relay to allow it to control power through it.
  5. In your gcode, set the fan to 100% when you want to start the router, then to 0% when you want to shut it off.

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