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Workbee Z+1 axis is acting funny

I am a little perplexed with the Z axis on my Workbee Z+1 right now as it will sometimes home but sometimes it won’t. If it does home, when I jog it down or touch off to the probe it sometimes won’t retract it will just keep moving in the negative direction. Now, if I try to rehome, after several attempts it will usually home and then repeat this cycle.

So, I’m pretty sure the issue is not with the motor because it will operate in both the positive and negative direction. I think the issue is with either the limit switch or the limit switch cable. Is there a way I can verify that this is the issue before ordering a new limit switch and it not being the problem?

Any suggestion are appreciated!

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Hi Lars,

Thanks for your email. I am 99% sure your issue is with the limit switch. Sometimes giving a blowout with some air can solve your issue.


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Thank you for this response it was very helpful and seems to have resolved the problem.



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