measurement difference between Vcarve / gcode file and final job
I recently bought a 1500x1500 Workbee and installed it. No problem with the installation part and with the first few trials.
But I'm now having issues between the file I'm creating and the CNC work that comes out of it. I'm basically creating a pill shape of 41 x 133mm overall size on Vcarve that I would like to use to make a hollow pill shape on a piece of MDF. I'm turning this vector line into a pocket toolpath and I also tried a profil toolpath but the final job is always smaller than the file.
The pill shape I create on the software is 41mm wide by 113mm long but the final job is always 38mm wide by 111mm long :
- I'm certain I specified a 1/4 inch end mill in the sofwtware which matches what is mounted on my milling machine
- I'm certain I created the file right, I checked multpile times the toolpath dimensions
Could it come from the fact that the machine is loose for example ? Like the wheels who would not be tight enough or the X / Y / Z Lead-Screw being loose ?
Am I forgetting something else ?
Thanks for your help
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