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Machine position to 0,0,0 when homed

Hello all

Which of the files would beed to be altered and how if I'd like to have machine position to 0,0,0 when homed? Now when the machine is homed the coordinates are "at the max values" and all travels are negative.

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This gives me headache while creating the G-Code.

Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

// Timo

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Hi Timo,

The machine can be homed to a different position, but it will involve moving the limit switches and changing lots of commands.

There is an easier way, you can let it home to the normal position, and then add a command so it will auto-move to the position you want it to after it has homed.

To do this go to Files > System > Open homeall.g

Add this line to the end:
G53 G0 X0 Y0 ; Move to the front left corner

Save and close.

You can change the number after the 'X' and 'Y' to the machine coordinates you want the machine to move to

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Thanks! I'll test this as well


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For most tasks on the machine, the machine coordinates aren't really important, you're usually only concerned with the work coordinate system (via the Set X/Y/Z buttons in the UI or a command like G10 L20 X0 Y0 Z0 (sets the current position as 0,0,0 in the work coordinate system)) - but I also often find it annoying to work with negative coordinates when first setting up a job, so I'll sometimes run G10 L2 X0 Y0 after homing - this will set the work x and y to the absolute machine coordinates, so the front left corner of the machine is 0,0 in your work coordinate system.

(Note that you probably don't want to include Z0 in the G10 command - as will set z=0 to the very bottom of the z axis.)


To try to answer the actual question, even though I don't think it's advisable and I haven't tried these myself: if you really wanted to invert your axes and make the home coordinates into machine 0,0, you'd have to at least make these changes

  • flip the motor direction in config-drives.g
  • change the endstops you want to flip to be a 'min' endstop instead of a 'max' endstop in config-axes-endstops.g
  • change all homing scripts to move to the min, instead of the max of each axis that you reversed
  • from now on always remember that forward is back, backwards is forwards, left is right and right is left 😬

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But does it actually need changing axes end-stops etc? I don't want to change the physical home position, just the fact that after homing machine the machine position should be X=0, Y=0, Z=0 instead of X=770, Y=1270, Z=88


I think that there's maybe a bit of a misunderstanding here about machine coordinates vs work coordinates, because during normal operation, the machine coordinates are pretty much irrelevant. Once you jog to where you want the origin to be for the file you're cutting, and you hit the "Set X/Y/Z" buttons, that position becomes 0,0,0 - the gcode is relative to those coordinates, not the global machine coordinates.

If you _really_ wanted the back right corner of the machine to be the global 0,0 and have non-negative coordinates, this would necessarily also mean that the axes have to be inverted - usually, the X coordinates go from left to right, but if you want the right side to be x=0, you'd have to flip the axis so that the x coordinates go from right to left, which also requires telling the software that the endstop is at the min end of the coordinates.

Just to repeat, this is a bad idea because it's non-standard and the ui buttons would all be inverted (right is left etc)


I do understand the differences. It's just the fact that my previous machine worked like this, home position was 0,0,0. It's a working habit for whatever reason it's darn difficult to de-learn old habits. :D I guess the easiest way is to define origin point in the CAD to "lower left corner" then. I do appreciate the comments and help!


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