Endstop / Limit switch issue after firmware update
Workbee 750 x 1000 screw
I have upgraded firmware to version 3.3.0 - 1.2
When homing i get
G28 error failed to activate endstops.
The config-axes-endstop.g file reads
; Endstop configuration executed by config.g
M574 X2 P"xstop" S1 ; Set active low X endstop
M574 Y2 P"ystop" S1 ; Set active low Y endstop
M574 Z2 P"zstop" S1 ; Set active low Z endstop
on the software endstops do not show a status
If i trigger the end stops the board will correctly show a red light but no status show on software.
If I change config to
M574 X2 P"xstop" S0 ; Set active low X endstop
M574 Y2 P"ystop" S0; Set active low Y endstop
M574 Z2 P"zstop" S0 ; Set active low Z endstop
(The above is the code used before update)
The software will show an incorrect status of triggered
If I manually trigger an end stop it will correctly show a red light on the board and change status to not triggered.
if I add an invert code either M574 X2 P"ixstop" S0 or M574 X2 P"ixstop" S1
I get the original error of G28 error failed to activate endstops.
In all cases the endstops correctly trigger a red light on the board when manually activated.
I did complete step 11 in the firmware update.
My board is a duet 2 ethernet
Is this a good question?