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Workbee Control Software - Jobs screen layout


In the Workbee Control Software, "Jobs" screen layout, is there anyway to modify the display.

The reason I ask is that when I want to select a job from the list all those I have created, I have to scroll down and down through a narrow column list of word-wrapped names. However, there are 6 columns to the right (to do with 3D printing I think), which are of no use to me. If I could remove/hide the unwanted columns, I could then have the job filename's column much wider and display a lot more files per screen, by turning word-wrap off!

I know this is not a major thing, but I think it would be helpful to all those of us who don't use/want 3D printer files info cluttering up their screen unnecessarily.

PS: I've had a look around at all the multitude of settings, but couldn't see anything related to display settings.

Living in hope for a solution!


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Hi Rod,

Thanks for your message. I am afraid this not possible within WorkBee Control currently, without editing the code behind it to remove them columns

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That's a shame! As a "quick fix", I've zoomed the screen out to 80%, which allows more text per coumn reducing the number of lines used for each filename down to just one. Not ideal, but semi-solves the issue (still leaves a lot of un-needed coumns to the right).

FYI: I currently use filenames like "KXPenc,T9,CB9, D_Bases" reminding me of the item name (KXPenc), the material thickness (9 mm), the cutter type & size (CoreBox/9 mm), part description (Drawer Bases).



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