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Spoiler board surfacing lines

Successfully assembled my 1000*1000 Workbee Z1+ and run a couple of test projects. Apart from one disaster caused by not tightening up my collet enough, all is going well for a complete CNC beginner. I tried to surface my spoiler board using the Amana 1 1/8 bit and it has left lines on the board. See attached photo. Is this normal of is there a problem with alignment of one of the axis, as it looks to be cutting deeper on one edge. I've checked all angles and they are close to 90deg in all directions (89.8 is the worst). Am I expecting too much perfection, or is this acceptable?

The lines look consistent across the whole board, and the first run at 0.5mm took an even amount off the whole board.

Sorry, but as a novice, I'm not sure what to expect, or how to fix it.


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If there are cut lines on the bottom surface of a piece of material, the router head needs tramming.

Tramming the Router Head is completed after surfacing the spoilerboard and will make sure the end mill is parallel to the spoilerboard. 

To tram a Router Mount, we recommend creating a tool similar to this video:

To tram the Y-Axis, this can be completed in a similar fashion to the video above. However, loosen the bolts on both sides indicated by the green arrow in Step 1 of this guide: 4. X-Gantry Assembly

To tram the X-Axis, attach the Height Reference tool, as per Step 3 in this guide: 7. Router Mount

And complete Step 4 to attach the Router Mount perfectly on top of the height reference tool.

Original WorkBee Z1 Plus  Assembly Manual Image


4. X-Gantry Assembly



1 - 40 minutes

Original WorkBee Z1 Plus  Assembly Manual Image


7. Router Mount



15 - 20 minutes

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Thanks Ryan, that's helpful. In addition to the gantry bolts, I also loosened the corner angle fixings between X and Y axis. The tool was easy to make and I have managed to adjust my machine successfully, and re-surfaced my spoiler board. Unless I missed it on the build instructions, it may be worth adding this step to the final testing section of your Guides, as I imagine it is a common adjustment.

Unfortunately, I think I managed to damage my 1/4" collet during the process as the inner part came got stuck in the Mafell router when I tried to remove the Amana bit (despite having greased it first). I'm slightly worried it is now bent and may stick again. Do you think it would be safer to replace the collet?



Hi David,

Thanks for your message.

Could you send a picture of the collet to and they can double check if it looks ok, or not.


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