I keep getting 'Outside Machine Limits' Error?
I keep getting 'Outside Machine Limits' Error?
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I keep getting 'Outside Machine Limits' Error?
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The warning 'Outside Machine Limits' is warning that the machine will hit itself, there stops the job, it is good and correct that it does this.
The most common culprit is the Z Safe Height being set too high. This is explained below:
Vectric: How To Set up a Job on the WorkBee CNC Machine
Fusion360: How To Set up a Job on the WorkBee CNC Machine
The next most common reason is the work zero not being set correctly. To set this correctly follow this step:
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I was getting this error multiple times while trying to surface the spoil board. Although the coordinates of the surface to mill were inside the machine boundaries, the half-circle that was automatically generated by Fusion 360 to go from one row to the next was going outside of the machine boundaries. I fixed it by reducing my milling area until the tool path no longer exceeded the machine boundaries.
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I’m getting error "Error: G0/G1: target position outside machine limits” after upgrading the firmware on my duet board
The CNC homes ok, jogs around as expected, sets and returns to work zero, but as soon as I run a file that I’ve ran hundreds of times.
Please help!
I’ve recreated the gcode file in Aspire and get exactly the same result
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Hi Gareth,
The machine is warning you that it will hit itself, so something is being setup wrong.
If you have checked both points above, then your file may be inches so coming out much bigger than expected?
Best Regards
Ryan Lock
I keep getting target outside machine limits whem trying to return to work zero
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That is very unusual. Have you manually set your work zero at any point?
Best Regards
Job is doing ok, alwsys manually jogged work zero, but retuning to zero point always gives this error. Machine is now updated to screw drive from belt drive and all versions are updated last week.
We have tried many points, even when you dont move the machine from zero point it gives same error.
When setting separately only x and y work coordinates they work, but z tries go down to zero. So when z coordinate is set it gives this error.
Changed m453 to m451 and now it works.
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