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Wire routing improvements planned?

In this step: 5. Wire Routing

when routing the wire as directed the wires are held higher than the x-axis c-extrusion by the strain relief off of the z-axis limit switch causing them to contact the beam and will lead to either friction causing a short circuit or the repetitive strain on the wires causing metal fatigue failure in either the wire itself, the switch terminals, or in the solder joint between the two.

Is there any work being done to resolve this issue, or an alternate wire path that avoids these problems? And if there is an alternative wire path, where can I find it?

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Thanks for your suggestion.

What you can do is secure it to the side of the X-Plate Back, we are updating our guides shortly to be this way.

Best Regards

Ryan Lock

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By that, do you mean to route the wire up before passing it above the x axis c-extrusion? Because the largest issue I'm talking about is how the wire sits too high to pass under the x axis c-extrusion without rubbing against it when you pass it from the front x-plate to the back (even your second image on this step shows the wires contacting), and that rubbing is the biggest issue.


Hi Mateus, it should pass under the C-Beam Extrusion. On the connection on the Z-Axis limit switch, you should be able to bend them slightly so they don't rub. Ryan


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