X Axis Homing Position Accuracy
Hi, I have a part that I need to machine from both sides so I have cut dowel holes into my spoil board to ensure accurate positioning and used the machine position to set the origin.
This works accurately for a time, however after I home the axes a few times I find the machine position has changed and no longer aligns with the dowel positions. The axis remains consistently offset by the same amount after multiple homings.
I have tried the following:
1) Making sure the microswitches are firmly positioned with no play.
2) Keeping the microswitches free of dust / chips.
3) Ensuring there's no excessive play in either axis.
4) Ensuring the spoilboard isn't moving.
I've only noticed the error on the x axis and it's usually around 1mm. Any ideas how I can improve the accuracy of the end stop?
Is this a worthwhile discussion?