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X Axis Homing Position Accuracy

Hi, I have a part that I need to machine from both sides so I have cut dowel holes into my spoil board to ensure accurate positioning and used the machine position to set the origin.

This works accurately for a time, however after I home the axes a few times I find the machine position has changed and no longer aligns with the dowel positions. The axis remains consistently offset by the same amount after multiple homings.

I have tried the following:

1) Making sure the microswitches are firmly positioned with no play.

2) Keeping the microswitches free of dust / chips.

3) Ensuring there's no excessive play in either axis.

4) Ensuring the spoilboard isn't moving.

I've only noticed the error on the x axis and it's usually around 1mm. Any ideas how I can improve the accuracy of the end stop?

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3 Replies

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Hi Simon,

Thanks for your email.

Sounds like there could be some play in the lever. Can you compare it to the Y-Axis?

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Thanks for the reply... the lever seems fine to me and the same as the y axis. I did detect a tiny amount of movement in the x axis (a fraction of a mm) so I'll check the tension of the lead screw when I get a chance. Other than that I can't find a mechanical reason for the discrepancy.

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Hi Simon,

To test if it is mechanical, it is best to do this test:

- Home the machine
- Press 'Go To Work Zero'
- Mark this position
- Jog the machine a significant distance away from this position. (Do not home the machine)
- Press 'Go To Work Zero'
- Does it go back to the same position or is it a few mm off?

- Repeat the above multiple times, do not home the machine in-between

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Thanks for the suggestion, the problem only occurs after homing so I guess it must be mechanical. Strange thing is once it goes out of position it stays offset by the same amount even after homing multiple times.


Hi Simon,

If it only ever occurs after homing, it is due to the limit switch. Is your machine still in warranty, we can replace that switch


It's outside of warranty but I've got a few microswitches knocking about so will try that. Thanks.


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