With a Precision-Shim in between, insert a Wheel-Bearing into either side of the Solid-Wheel.
It may require some force to seat both bearings fully.
A good technique to assemble the wheels can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zbh1HF6l...
Repeat this for 30 Solid-Wheels in total.
There is one spare Solid-Wheel, do not assemble this one.
Put all the Solid-Wheels in a box/tub for safekeeping, they will be used throughout the upcoming guides.
Guide Complete - Proceed to 2. Y-Plate Assembly
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101 other people completed this guide.
I like the fact that the build is so ( nuts and bolts ) when stuff goes wrong you know the machine in side out, you built it
simple enough
To be honest I think this is a step in the build process I could do without. Yes I know its about keeping costs down, but I found the seating to be a bit vague. Some went in with a satisfying click, others not. Some required a lot of force before they were truly seated. I ended up checking each one several times because, I imagine, get this wrong and you are building in an issue that it would be difficult to get past.