The IP Address on my WorkBee keeps changing?
The IP Address on my WorkBee keeps changing?
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The IP Address on my WorkBee keeps changing?
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Connect in YAT and send M552 to get the new IP Address.
Connect under this new IP Address.
Once you are inside WorkBee Control go to system settings and edit config.g.
Copy the following line:
M550 PWorkBee CNC Machine ; Set machine name
Paste it in customconfig.g and change it to:
M550 PWorkBee; Set machine name
You can now connect under the URL: http://workbee.local/
This will work regardless if the IP Address changes.
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i have not used my workbee for over a year and need a new IP address, would you explain how i download and use YAT please. you took care of this last time via teamview
I couldn't find ports
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[image|4737] I can't find any ports
[image|4738] this is everything listed under universal serial bus
Please connect via USB following this guide: 1. Connecting your Controller via USB - Windows
Then just send the command M552. If connected, it will come back with the current IP Address it is using
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Good afternoon. Sorry i very rarely have time to sit down to do these things. I have connected my USB to my computer and opened YAT but it comes up with error there are currently no serial ports available. Start COM3 anyway?
If I click yes then another message pops up saying unable to start terminal.
I am useless at computers so you can imagine how difficult this is for Me.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
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Hi Hanson,
If you press the refresh button in YAT, next to the terminal port drop down.
Does it find a port?
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I have triedthis and it still comes up with the same error
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Hi Hanson,
Can you plug the Duet into your computer and go to device manager, and send a picture showing the ports
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If you expand the bottom one (Universal Serial Bus) what is under that?
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Do you not have a contact number anymore? My cnc is at a Different premises from me and I have to travel over there each time I get a reply and then go back home to wait for another. Sorry to be a pain but I could really do with getting it sorted.
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